In this blog, we show you how to add OKX Chain to MetaMask wallet. First, we talk a bit about what OKT is and what it does, etc. If you do not want to read about that and directly want to see how to add OKX Chain to MetaMask. You can go down this page and start reading “Getting OKT on MetaMask”.
What is OKX Chain
The OKX Chain was launched by the OKEx centralized exchange utilizing the OKT token. But soon changed to a decentralized blockchain as the token holders hold the governance power on the chain. To kick start this the centralized OKEx exchange airdropped 10 million OKT tokens to its OKB token holders. This way they had a fairly evenly distributed start. But the total supply of OKT lays a bit higher. Because the OKC uses a mining reward. With a similar halving as Bitcoin. Because of this, the token supply will inflate offer time but with a max cap of around 41,69 million OKT.
The OKX Chain supports its own native addresses starting with “ex” but also has support for EVM addresses starting with “0x”. Because of this users can add the blockchain to wallets like Metamask, Trust Wallet, ImToken, and many more.
As of writing the chain has 21 validators and 33 candidate nodes. Holders of the OKT token can use their governance power to also become a validator. Or delegate their governance power to an existing node. Doing so will reward the stakers with an APY on their tokens. Besides that, the chain already holds thousands of different tokens and has also executed thousands of contracts. So we could say the blockchain works very well.
Dapps on OKX Chain
With a new blockchain. A new blockchain ecosystem usually follows. So just like many other new blockchains out there. OKX Chain as some native Dapps building on the chain. These Dapps can be anything from Defi, NFT’s, to lending protocols. As of now CherrySwap and WePiggy are some good examples of Defi protocols natively building on OKX Chain. But also games like SAMOURAI and CryptoBlades have deployed their contracts on the chain. So you can see that the OKC has a native ecosystem growing on top of it. But there are also many Dapps that come from other smart chains and deploy on OKX Chain as well. Like SushiSwap and JSwap.
OKX Chain Explorer
Since the start of the Blockchain, it has had a good explorer that lets users check the chain. The explorer does exactly this for OKX Chain. Because of the open nature of the blockchain users can easily check anything they want on-chain. So this also goes for OKC. So if you want to do an OKX Chain scan. Or just want to see your address or specific transaction. You can look it up using an OKX Chain explorer. This way you can take a look at any OKX Chain wallets address.
OKX Chain wallet addresses
Like we said before OKX Chain has 2 different wallet addresses. The native once starts with “ex” and the EVM once starts with “0x”. Because of this, the chain can interact with other EVM-based chains. But this has to be done over a chain bridge-like Anyswap, or ChainSwap. If you do not use this you will not have to send your funds between chains but merely on the same chain to a different address. So this can result in a loss of funds. So make sure to always use a bridge when sending tokens between chains.
If you are going to use a wallet that lets you add OKX Chain as a manual EVM. You will most likely always have an address starting with “0x”. This is because that wallet does not natively support the OKX Chain. So it will always create an address that has the same address as the Ethereum address in that wallet. But still not the same chain. So use a bridge!
How to pay fees on OKX Chain
The OKX Chain has its own payment token for paying transaction fees. Yes, you already guessed it right. The OKT token is needed on the chain to pay for transaction fees, execute smart contracts, and basically everything else. Just like on most other blockchains that have their own token. The OKX Chain OKT token can only be used to pay transaction fees on the OKX Chain. Because other chains demand other gas tokens. So if you are going to use the OKX Chain it would be wise to have some OKT tokens to pay for the transaction fees.
The difference between OKT & OKB
Most smart chains launched by CEXes keep it easy and just have one token. Like Kucoin has KCC for its chain and Binance has BNB for its blockchain. but OKEx made it a bit more complicated and created 2 tokens. One is the OKT token and the other is the OKB token. The OKT token was originally airdropped to the OKB token holders on the OKEx Exchange.
Now the OKT token was meant as the central token around the OKX Chain. So it functions as a fee token governance token etc. But it only works here and not anywhere else. So for now its functionality is kept to the OKX Chain.
The OKB token on the other side can not be used for any of these things on the OKX Chain. But can get transferred over the chain as a normal token. The OKB token instead has other functionalities. Because it is the OKEx exchange token. It gives holders discounts on trading fees, lets them participate in token sales, and much more. But all of its benefits are focused around the OKEx centralized exchange.
Wallets that support OKX Chain
Like we mentioned before OKC has its own EVM. Meaning that it can connect to other EVM chains. But also that wallets can add it very easily. But if the wallet does not support it but lets you add manual EVM’s then you can just add it yourself. Down below we look add how you can add an EVM to a wallet. In this example we use Metamask. But in most other wallets it works the same. And the same information is needed.
To use the OKX Chain in one of these wallets will require you to have some OKT. Now, if you already have an OKEx account that makes it easy. You can simply log in, get the token there, and send it to your OKX Chain OKC address. We do not give out financial advice. So keep that in mind. That buying or not buying this token is all your own responsibility. But if you do buy it keeping an eye on the OKX Chain chart can show you the current price. And may help with your decision-making.
On our website, you can also find all wallets that support OKC OKX Chain. Yes, Metamask and Trust wallets can be found there too. But you will have to add OKC to Metamask manually. You can find the instructions to do this below. So now read below how you get the OKC network on Metamask and start using the power of OKX Chain.
Getting OKX Chain on MetaMask
So to add the OKX Chain to MetaMask you have to open the MetaMask wallet (In case you don’t have MetaMask yet, please get it on this page).
Once you have MetaMask installed, open it up on the full screen. So you will have the same screen as in our example here.

Now go to the top right of the screen where it says “Ethereum Mainnet” and click on the little arrow pointing down next to it. This opens the network’s tap where you can select all different types of EVM blockchains (Ethereum virtual machine) networks. Now here you can click on the Custom RPC to add a new custom EVM blockchain network of your choice. In this case, the OKC.

Now Metamask will ask you for the data needed to connect the wallet to the OKX Chain. Please fill in the list below.
Network Name - OKX Chain
OKC Chain ID - 66
Symbol - OKT
Block Explorer URL -

When you have done this, you can just click save. And now you have added the OKC to your MetaMask wallet.
If you would like to switch between the EVM blockchains. Simply click on the Network button in the top right of the screen to select another blockchain.
Because adding different types of EVM blockchains works the same, you can add any EVM blockchain in the same way. But instead of the list given in this blog, you replace that with another network’s ChainID, symbol, etc.
We hope this blog post helped you to integrate a new EVM into your MetaMask crypto wallet. So that you can now use OKC as much as you want.
Find your wallet here
In case you want to see all the other wallets supporting OKX Chain. You can simply take a look here to filter between all wallets that do!
So we hope this article taught you more about how to add OKX Chain to MetaMask wallet. But in case you have Questions regarding Crypto or OKC? Feel free to ask them on our online Facebook or Telegram groups. Because we are happy to help whenever we can!